Monday 3 September 2012

Gone But Not Forgotten...

So I was in the process of posting about my weekend in Kumasi when I heard startling news. I was informed of the loss of a loved one and friend. Lauren Luzier. Lauren and I were not very close friends, but we were your average classmates. We had many classes together throughout high school and shared some of the same friends. To this day I still remember going to her graduation pool party.  Soon after graduation, she was in a very severe car accident and had to undergo several different surgeries. Through it all she was strong and she survived....but yesterday was her time to go.

Reflecting on her loss here in Ghana is probably different than it would be for me at home. In Ghana, death is truly a celebration. The passing of life is not death, but simply a transition of the soul…to a place far better than life here on earth.

Lauren was a very smart, bright, and beautiful girl. She was also hilarious and made me laugh :-).
Yes, she passed away at a very young age, but it was not without a purpose. Each and every one of us should choose life on this day, live right, and care for the ones around us. No one knows when it will be there time, so but be grateful and take advantage of every second.
There is an Asante proverb that says 
Owuo atwereɛbaako mforo” 
-Death's ladder is not just for one person to climb”

Yɛbɛhyia bio Lauren
(We will meet again)


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